It's hard to believe, but this month marks the second anniversary for the Comic Book Pitt podcast. As we look ahead to Year Three, we can still remember the very first episode we recorded; it took us two hours to figure out how to record a one hour show and then another two hours to edit it.
We've come a long way, baby.
This is an all-review episode in which we discuss Superior #2, Avengers #7, Batman: The Return, Batman, Inc. #1, Detective Comics #871, Uncanny X-Men #530 and Halcyon #1.
Comic Book Pitt theme music is by Nik Furious. You can find more of Nik's music on iTunes.
Comic Book Pitt t-shirts are now available! Get one for yourself or that special nerd in your life.
Comic Book Pitt can be found on iTunes, on Facebook, on Twitter and is a proud member of the Comics Podcast Network.
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Email us at comicbookpitt@gmail.com or call our voice mail line at (412)450-0CBP (0227).
Thanks for listening!